Copyright © 2010 Stephanie Golden
Under the Mask: A Guide to Feeling Secure and Comfortable During Anesthesia and Surgery
by James E. Cottrell, M.D., with Stephanie Golden (Rutgers University Press, 2001)
This handbook demystifies the role of anesthesia during surgery and diagnostic procedures, empowering consumers to make informed decisions regarding surgical anesthesia and postoperative pain control and to get the care they need.
“I strongly recommend this highly readable, plainly spoken book to anyone about to go under the knife.”
—Geraldo Rivera
"A clear, compelling, and essential guide to the most critical aspect of surgery. Don't even dream of going to the hospital without this book.”
—Robert Lipsyte, New York Times columnist,
author of In the Country of Illness
by Stephanie Golden, Chelsea House Publishers, 1993.
For teenagers, a guide to obsessive-
Legacy Works: Transforming Memory into Visual Art, A Program for Older Adults
by Stephanie Golden with Susan Perlstein. National Center for Creative Aging / Elders Share the Arts, Brooklyn, NY, 2002.
Illustrated manual written and produced for community arts organization.
Body Rolling: An Experiential Approach to Complete Muscle Release
by Yamuna Zake and Stephanie Golden (Healing Arts Press, 1997)
The Body Rolling "bible": a detailed manual for professional body therapists.